Juvenile Drug Court

Juvenile Drug Court

The 17th Circuit Juvenile Drug Court Program (JDCP) is a program designed to assist youth with substance use problems succeed in living a substance-free life by promoting positive change through treatment and education.

In order to qualify to do the JDC program you must have a problem with drug and/or alcohol use and want help. You must be between the ages of 14 and 18 years of age and be able to complete the program before your 19th birthday. You must be charged with a misdemeanor offense or a 2nd or 3rd degree non-violent, felony offense.  Dealing or selling of drugs charges are not eligible.  You must not have been previously adjudicated for a felony.  A parent and/or guardian must agree to participate.

The program is 6 months for misdemeanors and 9 months for felonies.  The participant will have a case manager who will work with the youth and may also be assigned a peer specialist for support. The youth will attend status hearings and submit to random drug screens.  After an evaluation is completed, treatment may be recommended.  School planning is provided along with tutoring if needed.

The benefits of participation and successful completion of JDCP include:  The case(s) will be dismissed and you may apply to have your record expunged. Less obstacles in getting into college, applying for financial aid, getting employment, joining the military and getting other types of government benefits/assistance.

The goal of the 17th Circuit’s Juvenile Drug Court is to help clients effectively deal with underlying issues so that recurring court involvement, and preventing any further substance use.

Judge Elijah H. Williams currently presides over the Division
