Judiciary List and Category

JudgeJudicial AssistantPhone NumberChamber*Courtroom*DivisionDivision ProceduresZoom Meeting LinkZoom Meeting ID**

*For Chambers and Courtrooms, please note: WW = West Wing NW = North Wing N = North Satellite S = South Satellite W = West Satellite

**To use a touch tone phone/Dial by location use one of the following number followed by the division Judge’s unique meeting ID:
(888)475-4499 US Toll-free, (833)548-0276 US Toll-free, (833)548-0282 US Toll-free, (877)853-5257 US Toll-free, (786)635-1003, +1 (312)626-6799, +1 (646)876-9923, +1 (408)638-0968
