There was a conference call with all stakeholders including Broward County Administration, Broward Clerk of Courts, State Attorney and Public Defender.  We were informed that the courthouses all have had some water intrusion and County staff is working on that issue now.  As everyone is aware, many people, from employees to litigants, are without power and/or water.  Schools will be closed through Friday, causing a hardship for those with children to get to the courthouse.  Further, many traffic signals throughout the County are still not operational and pose a danger to anyone trying to get to the courthouse.  Therefore, the decision was made to keep the courthouses closed through Friday, September 15, 2017.  We anticipate reopening on Monday, September 18, 2017.


In recognition of her tireless dedication to improving the lives of dependent children and their families, the Honorable Hope Tieman Bristol was presented with the 2017 William E. Gladstone award today during the state-wide annual Child Protection Summit in Orlando. This prestigious award, named after Circuit Judge William E. Gladstone from Miami-Dade, is presented every year to the greatest contributor to the well-being of the courts’ neglected and abused children.

Judge Bristol has served her 12-year judicial tenure in the dependency division and currently serves as the Unified Family Court Administrative Judge. She presides over dependency, delinquency and family matters and runs Early Childhood Court, a therapeutic court that works with families who have children from newborn to five years of age.

Please join the Seventeenth Circuit in congratulating Judge Bristol for this esteemed honor!


Judge Jennifer Hilal Hosted the Urban League of Broward County Youth Group at the West Regional Courthouse


This summer, Judge Jennifer Hilal has hosted various youth groups at the West Regional Courthouse, arranging for them to observe court proceedings and taking time to speak with them both before and after court to discuss the consequences of certain actions and to help educate them on court proceedings and the justice system.
Visiting yesterday were teens from the Urban League of Broward County Youth Group.


At the 2017 Conference of County Court Judges, Judge Jane Fishman was recognized as the conference choice for the “County Judges Were There” presentation. This recognition honors a single County Court Judge in the State of Florida each year who has had a leading role in the administration of justice. Judge Fishman was recognized for her many achievements, including her leading role in the advancement of judicial education on both the state and national levels. Congratulations Judge Fishman!

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The Conference of County Court Judges of Florida awarded Broward County Judge Robert F. Diaz the Harvey Ford Award at its annual conference in July, 2017.
As the highest honor bestowed on a county court judge by the Conference of County Court Judges, the Harvey Ford Award recognizes a county court judge who has demonstrated the highest level of service to the community, the legal profession, and to the Conference of County Court Judges of Florida.
Judge Diaz was appointed and elected in 1992, and again in 2012. He serves at the Broward County Central courthouse in the misdemeanor criminal division. Some of Judge Diaz’s accomplishments include the following:
•Received the “Adjunct Professor of the Year” 2017 for Nova Law School where he has taught the Street Law Program for 26 years.

•Voted the Law Related Education Judge of the Year by the Florida Bar in 1996.

•Served as a volunteer faculty member for Florida’s New Judges College, training new judges for 23 years.

•Visits at least 15 high schools and middle schools each year to expose students to law and the justice system.

•Helped create the Broward Young Lawyers for Literacy program where young lawyers help 1st and 2nd grade students learn to read.    

 The award is named for Broward County Judge Harvey Ford, who died in 1995, and was known for his outstanding and dedicated community and professional service.