Judge Schiff Presents Webinar to Judges Nationwide


Broward County Court Judge Louis H. Schiff presented an afternoon webinar for the National Judicial College from his office at the North Regional Courthouse on November 15.  More than 300 judges from Alaska to Florida attended his presentation which focused on professionalism in court.

Judge Schiff is in his 22nd year as a county court judge, and he has been a volunteer faculty member for the National Judicial College for the past 12 years.  In addition to being on the faculty for the NJC, he serves as a judicial educator for the Florida College of Advanced Judicial Studies; Florida New Judges College; and Florida DUI/Traffic Adjudication program.

He is a past education chairman for the Conference of County Court Judges of Florida, as well as a Past-President of the Conference of County Court Judges of Florida.
Judge Barner Featured on Local Mural


Judge Florence Barner recently had her portrait added to a neighborhood mural honoring Broward’s black legal pioneers.  The mural, located on Sistrunk Boulevard across from Henry’s sandwich shop, features many of the pioneers that were honored earlier this year at the “Celebration of the Black Legal Community, Broward’s Legal Firsts” event hosted at the central courthouse.

Probate Bench, Clerk and Bar Roundtable

The Broward County Bar Association hosted a Probate Bench, Clerk and Bar Roundtable event on Thursday, November 8 in the jury room at the Central Courthouse. Panelists including Judge Peter M. Weinstein, Judge Charles M. Greene, Judge Mily Powell, Magistrate Yves Laventure and representatives from the Staff Attorneys and Clerk’s office, discussed ways to work together to improve the efficiency of probate and estate administration in the Seventeenth Circuit.