Judge Ross Welcomes BSO Community Justice Program

The Honorable Stacy Ross welcomed visitors from the BSO Community Justice program to her courtroom for observation on Friday, June 9, 2023. Students were able to sit in on Judge Ross’s rulings and participate in a Q&A session afterwards. Judge Ross offered words of wisdom advising the students to “Stay in school, choose your friends wisely, and avoid drugs and alcohol.” The students left with a deeper understanding of the juvenile court system.

Photographed with Judge Ross were the BSO Community Justice Program youth, BSO Community Justice Program Supervisor Jacqueline Figueroa Morales, BSO Youth Counselors Samuel Metayer and Vanessa Agbogun.

Judge Frink Welcomes BSO L.E.A.D. Camp

The Honorable Keathan B. Frink welcomed a group of students from the BSO L.E.A.D.
Camp (Learning, Educating, and Developing) to his courtroom on June 10, 2023.
Students spoke with Judge Frink who shared his experience as a judge and discussed
the American Judicial System.

The L.E.A.D. Camp was created as an eight week summer leadership program that
helps shape the lives of youth ages 12-17 into well rounded adults.

Judge Porth and Retired Judge Streitfeld Celebrated by Broward

Judge Ari Abraham Porth and Retired Judge Jeffrey Streitfeld were celebrated by the Broward County Bar Association on Thursday, May 18, 2023 in honor of Jewish American Heritage Month.

It was the Broward Bar and Justice Unit’s 2nd Annual Pursuers of Justice Awards. Judge Porth received the Tzedek Award and Retired Judge Streitfeld received the Tzaddik Award Lifetime Achievement.

Congratulations to you both on these distinguished honors!

Judge Brown Holds Lunch and Learn with YLS

The Honorable Melinda Brown held a Lunch and Learn with the Young Lawyers Section of the Broward County Bar Association on Monday, June 5, 2023. The lunches are an opportunity to highlight a different Judge from the 17th Circuit each month.

The Young Lawyers Section continues to coordinate these events as a way to connect members of the judiciary with lawyers who are still within their first five years of practicing law.